Movie Critiques:
Greetings! I invite all movie
lovers to enjoy any of the movies that I review here…. And participate in
discussions of such. Remember,
everything regarding “art,” be it movies, painting, sculptures, or even certain
Architecture, is in the eye of the beholder.
So, what might be inspiring to me, could be insipid to you.
All I ask….no, actually, I demand, that you behave
yourselves. If you cannot do just that
little thing, then I shall be forced to evict you from the island forever. This is not freedom of the press… these are
my opinions. If you don’t like them…
that’s cool. Start your own page.
I plan on covering every kind of movie here; in theaters, in
the 5 dollar bin, on cable, on cable, television, old black and white movies,
concerts, documentaries, and even…yes, even…musicals! (laughing).
About the only thing I probably will not cover here will be silent
There will also be some ruminations about interesting books
or novels I’ve read that intersect with these movies. For example:
is the book better than the movie?
And if so, why?
In any case, I hope you enjoy my page… and take the time to
enjoy some of these movies. Though
Shakespeare has told nearly every human interest story there is… sometimes, it’s
good to be surprised by a movie that moves you.
Of course, there is a difference between “moving” you and using your
emotions to sell a product. We’ll try
and weed out the chaff from the incredible, and the durable from the
passable. Here we go!